Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

ch 9 dq

ch 9 dq

Q Initial Post: Imagine that you were asked to present information on sexual communication to a group of high school students and their parents. How might you share the culture of sex? How might you share the role of consent? What information would be important to share with them? What sources might you use (other than your communication course materials) to help your audience understand sex and how it’s portrayed by the media?

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Sexual communication is generally a least discussed subject and a teacher of this subject has to be open minded. As it is mentioned that the facts of sexual communications will be informed to the high school students and their parents, the materials of the presentation have to be attracted. At the very beginning, it has to be informed to the audiences people have a misconception about sex communication and it is mainly because they do not have a proper idea of it. At the start of this presentation, it has to be mentioned that the participants can ask what they want.